Workshop –` Permission to play`
We are pleased to have Carrie Owerko, a senior Iyengar yoga teacher from New York to teach a weekend workshop.
This is a workshop not to be missed!
Saturday 22nd Feb
Sunday 23rd Feb
Cost is $225.00 (or $60.00 per session)
The Process of Practice (and Play): Presence, Absence, Essence
At the beginning of the sixth chapter in The Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna instructs the archer Arjuna to do the action that is required of him without dependency on the fruit of the action—that is, a desired result. But in our lives and in our yoga practice, this is more easily said than done. What if we were to give ourselves permission to actually practice process? By learning how to become more and more absorbed in process, with process as path, rather than focusing too intently on a desired result, or product, we make space for presence. And with presence there is an absence of the unnecessary tension and suffering that can come from clinging or holding to our goals too tightly. The essence of an experience emerges. And we have a process of that includes presence, absence, and essence.
The mysterious dance of practice and play can be extremely helpful when shifting attention from a result-oriented practice to that of process and presence. Practice, process and play eventually become one in presence. By making space for play in our practices, even practicing play, we not only survive, but thrive because we are more relaxed–we take ourselves less seriously as “selves”–and we come to know the joy of being in process and the moment by moment nature of such experiences.
Please ring or email me ……Do not miss out!!
See you on the Mat.